Saturday, October 23, 2010

Return of the White Hawk

leucistic red-tailed hawk
White Hawk
White Hawk

Last winter we observed a white hawk, actually a leucistic red-tailed hawk, on Rutgers Busch campus. Mike spotted him again while driving to work about a week ago. We've both been on the lookout when driving in the area. Today since the weather was nice and we wanted to get outside, we did a drive by of the area and found him. We parked and were able to watch him from a distance for a while. We also wandered around the area after he flew away but didn't get any pictures of the few birds we found.


  1. Holy Cow!!!! What great shots. Now I'm going to have to start spending alot more time in the area. Hope my job will be understanding!! :-)


  2. I would love to see this beautiful raptor

  3. I saw him last year and saw him again today while out walking my dog near Johnson Park. I get so excited every time I see him!
