Sunday, June 26, 2011

More Baby Woodpecker Feeding

More Baby Woodpecker Feeding
More Baby Woodpecker Feeding

We haven't been out birding much this month, but we are enjoying the daily woodpecker visits.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Red Bellied Woodpeckers

Red Bellied Woodpeckers

Red Bellied Woodpeckers
Red Bellied Woodpeckers

This type of platform feeder works well for jelly too. We have a rectangular plastic lid from a food container in the base to hold the jelly, and the birds put their beaks throgh the grate on top to get the jelly. The little one actuallly can do it but he seems to prefer having mom or dad still feed them. We're going through a lot of grape jelly around here; filling every morning!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

More Backyard Birds


Friday, June 17, 2011

Baby Red Bellied Woodpecker

Baby Red Bellied Woodpecker
Baby Red Bellied Woodpecker
They grow quickly so please excuse us if we post too many photos of the baby woodpeckers.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Baby Ducks on Lake Nelson

Mother and Baby Ducks

The mother duck brings her six ducklings by often. They are growing very fast and have already learned how to jump back in the lake from our dock. They are now old enough so that some are developing an independent streak and no longer follow mom in a straight line.

Barn Swallows: Photos by Jim's wife

Just wanted to share this photo with you.
My wife took it yesterday in our back yard with her new camera.
They are barn swallows that return every year to the same box.

Tufted Titmice

Two Tufted Titmice

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Red Bellied Woodpecker Feeding

Juvenile Red Bellied Woodpecker
Red Bellied Woodpecker Feeding

Well, no visible nests this spring, but we had a lot of woodpeckers and other birds coming and going with food. We could see them flying across the lake, and we hoped that eventually they would bring their young to us for all the good feed we offer. In this photo we have a male red bellied woodpecker feeding grape jelly to its young.

Friday, June 10, 2011


Baby Tree Swallow (we think)

This was weird. A mother duck and her 6 ducklings were resting on our floating island. A cormorant also likes sunning himself there so he jumped up to join them. The mother sheltered the babies but they shared the island for a few minues.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

"Falcons" at the Montage in Laguana Beach


Our daughter Lynn graduated with her Ph.D. at University of California, Irvine this weekend. We stayed at the Montage in nearby Laguana Beach. The grounds and views from the hotel are stunning. The hotel also hires a falconeer to keep the seagulls and pigeons away. We didn't bring our birding gear, but got some nice photos of the birds of prey with our "people" camera.

Elephant seals

On our last day, we were thrilled to see two rehabilitated elephant seals being released.

Thursday, June 2, 2011